Priests, deacons, religious, and lay representatives from all across the Diocese of Fargo met at Fargo’s Sts. Anne and Joachim Church from April 11–13, to pray, discern, discuss, and vote on several items of interest and concern to the faithful. The list of items for discussion was compiled from the over 130 propositions submitted by the faithful from across the diocese. Delegates took a final vote at the end of the synod on what items to recommend to Bishop Folda for review.
Those attending the synod had universal praise for how the event was organized and managed, and for how important it was to have a gathering like this in the diocese for the first time in 72 years. The following are comments about the synodal gathering.
“I think it was beyond what I expected. It was very exciting to see all of these people from around our diocese come together and be fired up about our faith.”
“It was amazing. As a priest I think it’s important for us as priests and for Bishop Folda to have an opportunity to hear from the faithful on issues important to the Church.”
“Listening to the different opinions of people that are sometimes diametrically opposed, just reminded me of what it may have been like at some of the early Church councils.”
“Everybody has been very respectful to each other, but I think there is still a bit of a chasm between rural and urban parishes and the issues they each face, but it has been very respectful and very well organized.”
“I agree with our Bishop that the synod went smoothly, with a calm, cool discussion concerning the needs of our diocese.”
Bishop Folda will now take the major proposals voted on by those in attendance and consider them as he develops policies that will affect the foreseeable and long-range future of the diocese. Look for more follow-up communications on the synod from Bishop Folda in future issues of New Earth.