Every man yearns for greatness. Even if he does not consciously think about it or tries to stifle it, something inside still cries out that mediocrity is not enough. As men, we might try to pacificy that desire by attempting to become very successful at our jobs, or well known and admired in the community, or perhaps we work to become the most cunning fishermen, the best shot, the most accomplished video game player, or even the one who knows sports trivia like no one else. Sometimes we just check out all together because it all seems too much, too unattainable. So, we simply look to distract or medicate ourselves in whatever way we can find.
Yet, if we have the courage to stop for a moment of honest self-reflection, we find that, ultimately, we are left unfulfilled. We are unfulfilled because we weren't made simply to be distracted, entertained, or medicated, we were made for greatness. Pope Benedict XVI said exactly this to a group of pilgrims shortly after he was elected pope against his will back in 2005. Reflecting on his movement from dismay to acceptance as it became clear that he was going to be elected, he remarked, "The ways of the Lord are not comfortable, but we were not created for comfort, but for greatness, for good." This is the inescapable mission for every man, to become truly great by becoming exactly who God made us to be and nothing less.
“Made for Greatness” is a ministry of the Diocese of Fargo which seeks to fulfill the Great Commission by discipling men, forming them in their identity as sons of God, and equipping them to become missionary disciples. In addition to our primary mission of discipleship, we host conferences, retreats, and leadership events to build men in their faith and mentor parishes in starting parish-based discipleship. Our philosophy is that all men are called to greatness and can transform the world simply by becoming who God made them to be.
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