Fargo, ND
Theology III
Mount St. Mary Seminary; Emmitsburg, MD
Richie Stenger went to school in Barnesville, MN from kindergarten through high school. During that time he had a passing thought or two about the priesthood, but never gave it any serious consideration. Upon graduation he enrolled at NDSU. After a year in college he enlisted in the ND Air National Guard. When he returned to NDSU, he became involved at the Newman Center and began taking his faith more seriously. The thought of the priesthood started coming up more frequently and he began to consider it more intentionally. Ultimately though, he continued on with college and graduated. After working for a few years as an engineer, thoughts of the priesthood still seemed to linger. A few priests asked if he had ever considered the priesthood after which he began to discern the priesthood much more seriously. After considerable reflection and prayer, he finally found the courage to request an application for seminary. Richie is currently in his third year of Theology studies at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD.